i've got a tattoo appt. scheduled for wednesday and still no full concept/drawing. my tattoo artist has been out of the country for months and should be returning tomorrow sometime [maybe]. i'd given him a rough drawing [i am no good, tho] over an actual picture of my back months ago. my mind kept changing until two days ago and i'm sure he's quite annoyed by now?! he's a great guy and a fantastic artist [lane at smoothtattoos.com]
i'm somehow getting the words 'love rescue me' on my back. i've already got some kanji lettering for 'lucky' on my lower back. i've only got that one and a red star under my right arm so far. i'm not crazy about the placement of the lower back one anymore. it's well done and all, but i want to add a tat to my back to pull some attention away from the placement a bit. i just keep looking for ideas and come up with portions of concepts that i'm unsure of.
i think part of the problem is that i cannot draw = hard to envision something great. maybe i just need to sit down w/my artist and see what he might be thinking. i'm afraid i've turned him off with all of my scattered thoughts so far.
'love rescue me' comes from the U2 song. if you get an image in your head after listening to the tune or checking out the lyrics [http://www.atu2.com/lyrics/lyrics.src?VID=17&SID=243], feel free to let me know.
off to sleep on it.
i'm somehow getting the words 'love rescue me' on my back. i've already got some kanji lettering for 'lucky' on my lower back. i've only got that one and a red star under my right arm so far. i'm not crazy about the placement of the lower back one anymore. it's well done and all, but i want to add a tat to my back to pull some attention away from the placement a bit. i just keep looking for ideas and come up with portions of concepts that i'm unsure of.
i think part of the problem is that i cannot draw = hard to envision something great. maybe i just need to sit down w/my artist and see what he might be thinking. i'm afraid i've turned him off with all of my scattered thoughts so far.
'love rescue me' comes from the U2 song. if you get an image in your head after listening to the tune or checking out the lyrics [http://www.atu2.com/lyrics/lyrics.src?VID=17&SID=243], feel free to let me know.
off to sleep on it.