In the life of every man comes the time when he thinks to himself, "Hey, why not shave my head?" Today it was my turn. Well, not totally shave, but 1mm is really bloody short. To be quite honest, I've been thinking about trying this for a while now but never had the guts before. I've never had totally short hair before and I was afraid that I'd look like Gollum or a bowlingball with ears.
But tonight I had one of those "oh, fuck it" moments and decided to go for it. And I have to say that I'm rather happy with the result, I can look in the mirror without having the urge to say "my precious" or "filthy little hobbits" over and over. Well, no more than unsual anyways.
And since I firmly believe that a blogentry like this needs pictures, there you are. Be warned though, they were made with a rather shitty phone cam and also contain parts of unsexy male boobage.
This is me in the middle of the hacking away, when the machine decided that it wanted to be recharged. With a bit of color this look might even have worked out. Or not...
The sideview.
Some of the hairy mess. Doesn't look that much but cleaning up took some time.
The final result, almost. A few stray hairs need cutting but the machine was totally done for today. Also I need to decide what to do with my beard.
Thats it.
But tonight I had one of those "oh, fuck it" moments and decided to go for it. And I have to say that I'm rather happy with the result, I can look in the mirror without having the urge to say "my precious" or "filthy little hobbits" over and over. Well, no more than unsual anyways.
And since I firmly believe that a blogentry like this needs pictures, there you are. Be warned though, they were made with a rather shitty phone cam and also contain parts of unsexy male boobage.

This is me in the middle of the hacking away, when the machine decided that it wanted to be recharged. With a bit of color this look might even have worked out. Or not...

The sideview.

Some of the hairy mess. Doesn't look that much but cleaning up took some time.

The final result, almost. A few stray hairs need cutting but the machine was totally done for today. Also I need to decide what to do with my beard.

Thats it.
thanks for your sweet comment on bryophyta!

Und... wie lebt's sich inzwischen mit dem Kurzkurzhaarschnitt?