Today my boss had a nice surprise for me. My employment contract, which would've ended on December 31st, has been changed to an indefinite contract. I can't tell you how happy I am about this. I was afraid that I would have to fight for this during the next few months and instead it just happened. I can finallly stop worrying about this.
On monday I will start a training in advanced insurance english. Instead of going to work I will have to sit in a classroom with four colleagues and have a whole week filled with roleplays, presentations and writing letters.
This is something I'm looking forward to and at the same time feel a little nervous about. I'm not too concerned about my english, but I'm not used to speaking english in front of many people. Thankfully I don't have the typical german accent so it shouldn't get too embarassing.
I wish I knew how to copy a video from my mobile phone to my pc. I have filmed my little nephew and I would really love to show this video around but it looks like I'm not enough of a geek to get this to work.

On monday I will start a training in advanced insurance english. Instead of going to work I will have to sit in a classroom with four colleagues and have a whole week filled with roleplays, presentations and writing letters.
This is something I'm looking forward to and at the same time feel a little nervous about. I'm not too concerned about my english, but I'm not used to speaking english in front of many people. Thankfully I don't have the typical german accent so it shouldn't get too embarassing.

I wish I knew how to copy a video from my mobile phone to my pc. I have filmed my little nephew and I would really love to show this video around but it looks like I'm not enough of a geek to get this to work.

Congrats on the perminancy! And I am SURE you will blow your colleagues away with your English so don't be so anxious!