The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire... isn't, thank God, but it almost was. Thanks to my f-ing neighbours who went to McDonald's and accidentally left a burning candle at home.
Imagine me, sitting in front of my pc, doing nothing at all when all of a sudden I hear the two (rather annoying) neighbour-kids scream. "Mommy, get out of the appartement. You've got to come to the staircase. Mommy!" At first I was just a little puzzled but when I heard the word "fire" I thought I'd better check.
So I jumped into my shoes, grabbed my cellphone, opened my appartement and walked into a white wall of smoke. The kiddies were standing in front of their appartement and their monther was frantically running from room to room, opening the windows. It took me a while to get the kids to tell me whether or not they already called the fire departement. They didn't, because the mother had managed to extinguish the fire by herself.
So, after I was sure that there was no more danger and after they turned down my offer to help, I went back to my appartement. Needless to say that my place smelled of smoke too, ever though I closed the door behind me when I went out.
A little while later I realized that the complete inside of my nose was black with soot. It took me a couple of tissues and some really unpleasant "water-through-the-nose-experiments" to get it somewhat clean. Take a look at the first picture and you'll get the idea...
Seems like I was in some danger of suffering smoke poisoning, which I didn't even think of while I was out there. It's funny, you learn all this stuff like covering your nose with a wet rag but when something really happens you forget to think about it.
Anyway, this whole adventure wouldn't have been completed without a nice litte coughin fit which brought some more black pieces to the daylight. See picture two if you really want to.
It's not very surprising that I've decided to buy a fire extinguisher, isn't it? isn't, thank God, but it almost was. Thanks to my f-ing neighbours who went to McDonald's and accidentally left a burning candle at home.

Imagine me, sitting in front of my pc, doing nothing at all when all of a sudden I hear the two (rather annoying) neighbour-kids scream. "Mommy, get out of the appartement. You've got to come to the staircase. Mommy!" At first I was just a little puzzled but when I heard the word "fire" I thought I'd better check.
So I jumped into my shoes, grabbed my cellphone, opened my appartement and walked into a white wall of smoke. The kiddies were standing in front of their appartement and their monther was frantically running from room to room, opening the windows. It took me a while to get the kids to tell me whether or not they already called the fire departement. They didn't, because the mother had managed to extinguish the fire by herself.
So, after I was sure that there was no more danger and after they turned down my offer to help, I went back to my appartement. Needless to say that my place smelled of smoke too, ever though I closed the door behind me when I went out.
A little while later I realized that the complete inside of my nose was black with soot. It took me a couple of tissues and some really unpleasant "water-through-the-nose-experiments" to get it somewhat clean. Take a look at the first picture and you'll get the idea...
Seems like I was in some danger of suffering smoke poisoning, which I didn't even think of while I was out there. It's funny, you learn all this stuff like covering your nose with a wet rag but when something really happens you forget to think about it.
Anyway, this whole adventure wouldn't have been completed without a nice litte coughin fit which brought some more black pieces to the daylight. See picture two if you really want to.
It's not very surprising that I've decided to buy a fire extinguisher, isn't it?

tja, dass mit den geschichten kann ich sehr gut verstehen. selbstvertrauen ist auch nicht meine starke seite. aber irgendwann muss man es einfach mal probieren. sonst wirst du nie erfahren, ob es was taugt oder nicht! und da ist sg das richtige forum - hier ist wenigsten keiner unhflich!
(und vielen dank fr dein positives feedback!
Nachbarn knnen auch nur Scheisse machen!
Aber nette Bilder,richtig yummy