Been absent for quite some time now, sorry about that. The job and my studies really demand a whole lot of my time at the moment.
I know you all want to know what I looked like on the company Christmas party:
Sweet, eh? The woman whose face I censored is my boss. She is not only pretty as hell it's also a lot of fun to talk to her. Last week we had a rather funny conversation about beastiality porn videos which she recently saw for the first time (I guess everone with internet access has to stumble across them once). Imagine your boss describing a video in which a woman gives a horse a bj... fun times...
A happy now year to everyone.
I know you all want to know what I looked like on the company Christmas party:

Sweet, eh? The woman whose face I censored is my boss. She is not only pretty as hell it's also a lot of fun to talk to her. Last week we had a rather funny conversation about beastiality porn videos which she recently saw for the first time (I guess everone with internet access has to stumble across them once). Imagine your boss describing a video in which a woman gives a horse a bj... fun times...

A happy now year to everyone.

is klar!