Today I decided that I'd leave work a bit earlier that usual. So I went to the went to the stop of my tram and waited for it to arrive and get me to the station so I could get my train. And I waited.... and waited... and waited a little longer....
Normally this tram comes every five minutes. Today I had to wait twentyfive minutes which - of course - had the result that my train was on it's way without me. So I had to wait another twenty minutes.
Needless to say that I was mightily pissed by the time I got home. And as always in such times the first person available had to suffer the outburst of my anger - this time it was my mother. It was a rather short phonecall.
Fortunately she knows that I tend to be stressed after work, so she doesn't mind too much.
Anyway, today I was once again reminded that most people are stupid. When the tram finally arrived after all this time it was full, totally full. And yet practically everyone tried to dig their way inside. I just stood there, shaking my head and then I grinned, because just after the full tram drove away the next one arrived and it was empty. I'm really not the most patient person but at last I know when it makes sense to wait.
Somewhow it was one of those days when it seems like there is something in the air. Many bad-tempered people around today, like me... but now after some tea and supper I feel better.

Normally this tram comes every five minutes. Today I had to wait twentyfive minutes which - of course - had the result that my train was on it's way without me. So I had to wait another twenty minutes.

Needless to say that I was mightily pissed by the time I got home. And as always in such times the first person available had to suffer the outburst of my anger - this time it was my mother. It was a rather short phonecall.

Fortunately she knows that I tend to be stressed after work, so she doesn't mind too much.

Anyway, today I was once again reminded that most people are stupid. When the tram finally arrived after all this time it was full, totally full. And yet practically everyone tried to dig their way inside. I just stood there, shaking my head and then I grinned, because just after the full tram drove away the next one arrived and it was empty. I'm really not the most patient person but at last I know when it makes sense to wait.
Somewhow it was one of those days when it seems like there is something in the air. Many bad-tempered people around today, like me... but now after some tea and supper I feel better.
Let's hope tomorrow ends up being more enjouable for you