First day back at work. 88 work related emails, 55 spammails in my inbox.
I spent the whole day sorting through my mail, was has to be done, what did my colleagues already do, what do I want to do.... And I talked a lot, nothing is as entertaining as office-gossip.
Good to be back, but now I'm tired. Couldn't sleep last night. I never can sleep on the last night before I have to go back at work after a longer vacation. My whole sleeping-habits changed during the last 3,5 weeks.
That's all for now.

I spent the whole day sorting through my mail, was has to be done, what did my colleagues already do, what do I want to do.... And I talked a lot, nothing is as entertaining as office-gossip.

Good to be back, but now I'm tired. Couldn't sleep last night. I never can sleep on the last night before I have to go back at work after a longer vacation. My whole sleeping-habits changed during the last 3,5 weeks.
That's all for now.

Schlaf-rythmen sind furchtbar, oder? Wenn ick machen kann wie Bock is dann verschiebts sich um 12 Stunden von der Norm. Ick muss mich so krass am Riemen reissen um frh aufzustehen, und ber kurz oder lang relapse ich immer.