I just watched Elisabethtown and it instantly became one of my favorite movies. I ♥ this kind of movies that can make you cry and smile.
Not to mention that Kirsten Dunst is cute as a button.
My free time is slowly comming to an end, gotta go back to work on thursday. I'm somewhat looking forward to it. It's always like this at the and of a longer leave.
Last night I had a dream that made me realize that I'm starting to fall in love with this one woman I work with. I didn't want to admit it to myself before but this dream really made me think.... I always find a reason to talk to this girl and it makes me happy to see her, you know those signs...
The bad thing is that I'm pretty sure that this is gonna be unrequited love yet again. It took me years to get over it the last time I fell in love and thus I'm a little afraid. Love somehow never fails to hurt me.
Nevertheless I'm really looking forward to seeing her again.
Not to mention that Kirsten Dunst is cute as a button.

My free time is slowly comming to an end, gotta go back to work on thursday. I'm somewhat looking forward to it. It's always like this at the and of a longer leave.
Last night I had a dream that made me realize that I'm starting to fall in love with this one woman I work with. I didn't want to admit it to myself before but this dream really made me think.... I always find a reason to talk to this girl and it makes me happy to see her, you know those signs...
The bad thing is that I'm pretty sure that this is gonna be unrequited love yet again. It took me years to get over it the last time I fell in love and thus I'm a little afraid. Love somehow never fails to hurt me.
Nevertheless I'm really looking forward to seeing her again.
Danke fr dein Kompliment. Ich hab Asi Toaster immer gehasst,aber fhle mich jetzt net mehr so halbtot mit der Brune hehe...
Hab ohne Scheiss eben schon eine Bewerbung fr Jungfrauen Sex in meiner mailbox gekriegt hahahahahaha