If I hear one more person say it's tragic that so and so died by self inflicted gun shot, knife wound or overdose I'm going to scream. It's tragic when someone dies from an accident or from cancer or from some other natural thing. It's not tragic when someone takes their own life. It's sad, yes, but not tragic. Joey Ramone dying of cancer is tragic, DeeDee Ramone dying of an overdose is sad, but not tragic.
Sorry, I'm ranting but I got in a big argument today about how it's tragic how all these great musicians keep killing themselves and it just chokes me up when I hear that. I'm very sad that Elliott Smith died, same as when Kurt and recently Dee Dee died, but it was by their own doing, they had control of their actions and those actions resulted in their untimely deaths.
I guess I'm really just choked that these great musicians have left, when they had so much more to do, so many more great songs to write, so many more great shows to do. That saddens me.
Sorry, I'm ranting but I got in a big argument today about how it's tragic how all these great musicians keep killing themselves and it just chokes me up when I hear that. I'm very sad that Elliott Smith died, same as when Kurt and recently Dee Dee died, but it was by their own doing, they had control of their actions and those actions resulted in their untimely deaths.
I guess I'm really just choked that these great musicians have left, when they had so much more to do, so many more great songs to write, so many more great shows to do. That saddens me.
sad, but not tragic.
a shame, but if that is what that person wanted, how do you tell them its not okay?
or that they shouldnt...