Ok...sorry I haven't been posting here. Not sure if anyone gives too much of a shit, but sorry none-the-less. So, I am in Germany and things have been tumultuous at best...when I say things I guess I just mean my brain. I am in Dexheim now and not Baumholder like I had originally thought I would be. I have actually met some really fantastic people in bars, on trains, various other places but I totally miss all my friends back home...taking a bit to get settled in. I think I have simply had far too much time to think about things lately and haven't been sleeping near enough so the combination in and of itself is a bit of a disaster for me. I am confident that once I get settled in, get some new meds, and maybe get my damn car here I will be doing 200% better, but for now I sit and act pathetic. I did manage to get out of bed today though!!! I even showered and am doing laundry along with wearing clean clothes!!! That is exciting to me. I managed to even buy a cheap coffee maker and am having good Deutsch "Jacobs Krnung" coffee. Today is looking up. Miss you all. Here are some pictures I took with my phone in Mainz the other day. Love you.
R. A.
R. A.

Beautiful old buildings

Germany seems beautiful.. Glad to hear you are doing well!
So good to see you smile.. And have it be geniune