Ok i'm changing my journal. I tried to bleach my teeth yesterday but i think i got too much bleach on my tongue and now i cant taste anything...it kinda sucks. Jen and i are having a garage sale Saturday(6111 Palo Pinto Dallas TX 75214)...yay. I feel depressed though...i think im just tired. Or worried...one fo the two...or both...maybe. I got to record a CD. I talked to this records rep and some stuff and i got to record an actual CD and not some crappy demo. I'm overworked...stupid bar and all those alcoholics that wont go home until an hour after we close....grrr. I still want a puppy but i think my dog would feel neglected. I feel neglected. Hmm midnight....i have to get up early again. I need to change my profile picture....its ugly..grr. Theres so much stuff i need to do! I also either have a sinus infection or strep throat....my throat is killing me and im all congested..for about 4 days now. hmmmm. bad news. i hate being ill. I think im gettting over it though. Anyway i guess i'm going to be around tomorrow night for MissD's party..maybe if i get off work in time...then i got saturday night off. So i'll be around.
i guess i'll see ya when you get off tonight.. i'm home from work and ready to crash the fukk out! bring me a coke!