Here are some misc. pics from the last week or so! Enjoy!!!
Cheesesteaks and cheesefries for our Irish and Canadian friends BirdieBird and Peeeach!

The unbelievably adorable Sillyk being unbelievably adorable!

...and her man, Elr0d, chilling in a pink blanket surrounded by fuck dolls!

Waiting in line when you're hungry is LAME!

Peeeach's bedroom eyes:

One of these things is not like the other...

Stuntc0ck and BirdieBird's deck rules:

Peeeach and SillyK compare bras:

SillyK thinks blueberry donuts resemble gaping assholes:

Peeeach likes peach.

Sassie and my kittty Sami, passed the fuck out in hilarious positions!

I interviewed for an epic new job at in Brooklyn yesterday! Check out the craft room where I had most of my meetings:


Cheesesteaks and cheesefries for our Irish and Canadian friends BirdieBird and Peeeach!

The unbelievably adorable Sillyk being unbelievably adorable!

...and her man, Elr0d, chilling in a pink blanket surrounded by fuck dolls!

Waiting in line when you're hungry is LAME!

Peeeach's bedroom eyes:

One of these things is not like the other...

Stuntc0ck and BirdieBird's deck rules:

Peeeach and SillyK compare bras:

SillyK thinks blueberry donuts resemble gaping assholes:

Peeeach likes peach.

Sassie and my kittty Sami, passed the fuck out in hilarious positions!

I interviewed for an epic new job at in Brooklyn yesterday! Check out the craft room where I had most of my meetings:


And I'm a broken record at this point, but you guys really seem to have had a blast