Let me begin with a video!
Gadget and I have been feeding birds lately. A lot of birds. Big birds, little birds, nice birds and even asshole swans. Here's a little video we shot to test out her new point and shoot camera.
While we're watching videos, here's a goofy little one I put together years ago:
Ok, on with the blog.
Unfortunately I have very few pics from the SG East Coast Camping Trip. It was hot and humid, and I didn't feel like shooting.
Gadget gave me a sweet tattoo:

... and SiamKittie too:

We used my tent as a livingroom/kitchen/storage space, freeing up my van to be our excellent bedroom. Check out the view:

A few weeks later we went to the White Trash BBQ. I have exactly one picture, of SiamKittie grilling up her Thai Chicken Satay:

In other news, Mneylu convinced me to spend some money on this wonderful little device called a Tenga. It's amazing! It's like a vagina that can give you a blowjob... She says it makes her wish she had a dick. Lucky for me, I have one.

...and here's a shot of my huge organ
Gadget and I have been feeding birds lately. A lot of birds. Big birds, little birds, nice birds and even asshole swans. Here's a little video we shot to test out her new point and shoot camera.
While we're watching videos, here's a goofy little one I put together years ago:
Ok, on with the blog.
Unfortunately I have very few pics from the SG East Coast Camping Trip. It was hot and humid, and I didn't feel like shooting.
Gadget gave me a sweet tattoo:

... and SiamKittie too:

We used my tent as a livingroom/kitchen/storage space, freeing up my van to be our excellent bedroom. Check out the view:

A few weeks later we went to the White Trash BBQ. I have exactly one picture, of SiamKittie grilling up her Thai Chicken Satay:

In other news, Mneylu convinced me to spend some money on this wonderful little device called a Tenga. It's amazing! It's like a vagina that can give you a blowjob... She says it makes her wish she had a dick. Lucky for me, I have one.

...and here's a shot of my huge organ
And now, random pictures from the last few weeks!
My baby, rocking her boots in bed:
... and giving me a nice cleavage shot:
Relaxing with my kitty boys:
I'm probably picking up a new DSLR next week so stay tuned... most likely the T2i. I was hoping to have enough cash to get the 7D but I just don't think I can pull it off. Oh well. The T2i paired with some nice glass with be FINE. I'll be shooting a few sets with Gadget and then...
What should a large bearded fellow like myself be for Halloween?