Blues For My Cat...
First of all, a cute shot of Gadget:

Ok, back to the blog...
I sat on my bed earlier this morning playing guitar and smoking a bowl, as I often do. Sami the cat jumped up on the bed and sat at my feet, staring in awe.
He only meowed once, and it was so baby quiet I barely heard it. He didn't want to interrupt the music.
Sami loves it when I play guitar, and often sits and listens when no one else is around. He doesn't like for other cats or people to see him appreciate music for some reason.
I guess my songs are embarrassingly low brow for felines.
Sami's secret love affair for music goes further. My nylon string acoustic guitar is covered in Sami's bite marks. He nibbles on it from time to time, trying to pluck the strings with his teeth. His little mouth can't get them all... maybe i'll get him a mandolin.
A Mandible Mandolin.
This morning was no different. Sami was licking my fingers and biting at the strings and neck as I played. He's very gentle and careful not to interrupt me. Once he realized he couldn't help me he curled up at my feet, rested his head against the body of the guitar and fell asleep.

First of all, a cute shot of Gadget:

Ok, back to the blog...
I sat on my bed earlier this morning playing guitar and smoking a bowl, as I often do. Sami the cat jumped up on the bed and sat at my feet, staring in awe.
He only meowed once, and it was so baby quiet I barely heard it. He didn't want to interrupt the music.
Sami loves it when I play guitar, and often sits and listens when no one else is around. He doesn't like for other cats or people to see him appreciate music for some reason.
I guess my songs are embarrassingly low brow for felines.
Sami's secret love affair for music goes further. My nylon string acoustic guitar is covered in Sami's bite marks. He nibbles on it from time to time, trying to pluck the strings with his teeth. His little mouth can't get them all... maybe i'll get him a mandolin.
A Mandible Mandolin.
This morning was no different. Sami was licking my fingers and biting at the strings and neck as I played. He's very gentle and careful not to interrupt me. Once he realized he couldn't help me he curled up at my feet, rested his head against the body of the guitar and fell asleep.

I know right! I could just put her on top of a cupcake!
That would be amazing