My body aches. It has been a week into some mystery stomach bug and although I am beginning to see the light, the afternoons hurt. My boss told me I look a little pale and that I should just jam, gee thanks, I was on my way out when he mentioned that. I lean back and let the music take control. The Prodigy blaring through...
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Ahh 40, a long time, I guess 40 years, coming. Not a big deal to me but everyone in my life seems excited for me. The wifey and kiddos have been planning the day for awhile. Friends excited to celebrate, life, with the exception of a few assholes along the way, is truly great. Have a stupendous last day of August.
40 is a fabulous milestone! you sound as though you had a great day.

It was great and you are correct, a wonderful milestone. Cheers
Well, well well. 12 days out from my Teton climbing adventure and lo and behold I injure myself. A bit of back story. I've been climbing a bunch the last few months to maintain a fitness level for the mountains. My third day this past week, and the shortest planned due to heat and time constraints. Warm up goes fine, next route dandy. A bit...
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Isnt it amazing how the random playing of a familiar song brings a flood of emotions? Memories that are simple and complicated, joyous and melancholy, innocent and guilt ridden. That is how Moby hit me tonight. Memories playing in the background while I sipped my tea and watched it rain and inhaled all that spring had to offer. Another memory to the playlist, another track...
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Thanks for your lovely comment on my set 

You are welcome!
Spring has finally arrived, geez only the second week of May? My body aches from pushing too hard. A weekend of landscaping followed by working my ass off in the gym and yoga has resulted in some minor pain. Alleve take me away...
The days are getting longer. 3 months until the climbing trip to the Tetons. I am now training in ernest. I need to shave 8 lbs and get my heart and lungs strong. Believing I can once again be invincible is the easy part. Turning thought into action requires discipline and above all healthy mind and soul. Let the cleanse begin!
I envy you, I hope you have a lov
ely time and find what you are looking for, I have always wnted to do the Tetons......................

The Tetons are an amazing range. I am not a religious person, but clearly my spiritual home is in the Tetons.. I have spent many, many days there and the subtleties of the range continue to amaze me. First light on the Grand from the valley, the shadow of the range over the valley, the flowers at 12000 feet, the list is endless. I have been there in many emotional states and the significance plays a huge part of my life today. Do yourself a favor Aleyhu, go there and enjoy.
Sunday grump-o-lisious. Extended family is driving us nuts with their drama. A quiet house for an hour or so, SG and buzzoutroom. Missed an 80's party last night. Funny, I would be one of the few folks there who was a teenager in the 80's.
Grey sky and rain.
Grey sky and rain.
Thank you!! Gotta love the 80s!!! 

Rum and coke, rum and coke. Low calorie but not my beverage of choice. Give me a double Makers Manhattan and I'll do your bidding. For those who care, I am off the wagon for two days. A pass from the wifey I suppose, but my self esteem is in the drink. Pun intended
Woo Hoo -25 with the wind chill this morning!
A new year! Yoga is kicking my ass. My instructor hazed me for being absent for the last two months or so. "Hey you look like this guy who was in my class four days a week for the last year or so, then he disappeared" Can I aspire to be the same person I was this time last year? I think so but oddly...
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Good luck to you and have a great new year!
Still figuring out SG. Your patience is appreciated.....