First i want to start out with a weird little poem I wrote in the middle of the night.
My ribs are not a cage,
but hands holding my heart.
Now you see my heart is not on my sleeve,
but in my hands
waiting for someone
worthy of it.
In loo of this tiny poem I'm putting photos of the person I have handed my heart to:
Im the ugly one, only by comparison, on the right 8P.
She did not know I took these of her, which is why they have this great look to them. Also, she is pretty and I LOVE HER TO PIECES.!!!!!!!!!!!
We have had a ruff time this past year and most all of it has been my fault. Ive been a bad and inattentive boyfriend.
Also, I have no fucking clue what to do to address the problems I have caused and I feel frozen and terrified of losing this mortal wonder of humanity
I was gifted with.
This is the longest relationship I have ever experienced, five years, and is very new territory for me. We are in the "Lets move in together/lets get married stage",
which I'm for, but as mentioned previously FROZEN and TERRIFIED. This horror is mostly because I know right now I cannot give her the life she deserves and all things I
would love nothing more then to shower her with, I do not know. This may just be the musings of a scared little boy in a very large shell, waiting to be free.
Alright, emotional crap dealt with lets get to something more cheerful stuff like the 6 baggillion pictures I took of critters at my local Zoo, Which turned 100 in may I believe.
So here we go:
Sun Bear
Sleepy Speckled Bear
Komodo Dragon. Sadly there was a fire and one of the mating pair died.
Reticulated Python, which is frickin huge, like Sputnik
Sadly I do not remember these guys name
Random sparrow shots
Some snakes do not remember all of there species
Now some Lizards
Gila Monster my favorite from my region, it was sleepies
A Horny Toad on of my favorite lizards
A Gecko with my girl's finger
Some Chameleons
Nile Crocodiles
More Monkeys who's name I can not remember
These look a bit sad
Some birdies
This one only cause the colors look cool
The bird is hard to see but its in there
African wild dogs jogging. I have a slow lens so its a bit blurry, but still looks cool.
Pygmy Mongoose
Asian Ephalent, yes i spelled it wrong but it sounds cuter
Sleepy Tiger
Spotted Hyena
Black Bear butt
Our Grizzly bear that died not to long after I took these photos
There are a lot more photos I took whilst at the zoo but it would take me like 4 hours to put them all up not to mention Photoshop them all. oh yeah, I forgot to mention that all these photos are unaltered. They are straight form the camera not Photoshop in any of them.
Any who cheers and thanks for getting this far in my post.
your friendly neighborhood best,
-Roachy Abides