HOLLY F!!!!!! I still can't find a job!!! ?There is no jobs where I live. I was really trying to not have to commute but I'm thinking I will have too. I just hate to think if I commute I will only get to see my daughter for a few hours on the days I work. My daughter Emilia is getting sooo big.
Emilia at her preschool party
A few weeks ago I got to go to Disney World with my family.
Me and my siblings on Splash Mountain
I cut my hair short
And I am already missing my long hair
I have been going to the gym
you can follow me on instagram. I put up pics on there everyday and I only get to updating on here every few weeks. My insta name is KatieLou143.
Emilia at her preschool party

A few weeks ago I got to go to Disney World with my family.

Me and my siblings on Splash Mountain

I cut my hair short

And I am already missing my long hair

I have been going to the gym

you can follow me on instagram. I put up pics on there everyday and I only get to updating on here every few weeks. My insta name is KatieLou143.
I don't like to drive too far anymore...I had a car accident.
I am comfortable driving short distances.
So I didn't find work for awhile either...
Look on the bright side...
Be happy you are able to commute-
The economy is improving-
Your daughter is adorable.