So I have been here in Oxnard CA for almost a year now. Since Emilia, my daughter, has started school I am now really trying to find a job. I have been looking for the past few months and I haven't found anything. It is killing me not to have a job.
I'm just going to try and keep a positive attitude and hope something positive will happen.
On another side note I cut my hair....well just part of it. It feels like every few months I get bored with my hair and want to do something else with it. I'm already thinking about dying it a color. I'm trying to decide between purple or a bright red. I of course can't dye it till I find a job and know if it is ok to have colored hair.
I am really going to try and keep my posts updated.

On another side note I cut my hair....well just part of it. It feels like every few months I get bored with my hair and want to do something else with it. I'm already thinking about dying it a color. I'm trying to decide between purple or a bright red. I of course can't dye it till I find a job and know if it is ok to have colored hair.

I am really going to try and keep my posts updated.
Good Luck in the Job Hunt!
Looking good!!!!!