What happened to SG radio? It used to be talk radio, with a few good songs, now it's entirely music. What's up? Did I miss something? Apparently.
I stayed up tonight for the first time in months to hear it, and it's new girls and a new format.
I miss Missy.
Not to say the new girls aren't doing a good job. The old SG...
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thank you! xo
Happy Birthday!

I'm really ready for another change in my life.
Seems as though every couple of years since high school I get this "antsy", anxious feeling. It's so far le me to the army, 8 different states, Germany, Japan, and back to my home town again. Now that I'm home I realize just how out of place I am. I'm the guy who stands out with...
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I breathe,

Your essence fills me with a lustful desire, yearning for more. Like an intoxicating aroma, sweet perfume that envelops me, seduces me, leaves me wanting more.

I open my eyes,

The very sight of you, your beauty blinds me to all else in the world. I can see only you, and I would have it no other way. Your aura, bright white, and...
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I can't help the way I have become over this last year. With the past 2 relationships I had, how can I not be pescimistic? Every relationship to be honest. If I had one that really worked, I'd still be in it, right? The only 2 girls who ever made me truely happy, and made things feel right (Sarah, and Heather) I could never be...
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