So..... As uncomfortable as i am with the whole blog thing, i figure i probably wont meet most people on here anywayz. .... Ever have one of those days? Im married to a deployed sailor, and i have to say, it is not going well right about now. No, no, no, im not cheating or planning on it. But she sure thinks so. She has no trust in me, like, at all. She says she does, but then acts completely different. And heres the thing, i stay at home being dad, and she is on a ship... Thousands of miles away.... Surrounded by guys. Not only that, but when she goes out in town, she goes with guys, and drinks with them. Heres where my frustration lies..... I dont care. I trust her absolutely. I have no problem with it. Her on the other hand, would freak, has in fact, freaked out on me cuz i was at a bar, and a female friend was there, who i might add i have zero interest in other that that shes a friend. And somehow i always turn out to be the bad guy..... Aint marriage grand?

what an strange woman!
Hope you both could fix things.
Thanks so much for your words