So I was skatin with my nephew yesterday. He's really learning really fast. I think it's so cool that somebody else in my family loves to skate as much as i do.
He just got a new rail and after we were done skating at the park. we went to his parents house and set up his rail. it's kinked so it takes a little...
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He just got a new rail and after we were done skating at the park. we went to his parents house and set up his rail. it's kinked so it takes a little...
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Okay I stayed home from work today...Just didn't feel good and my blood sugar was a little wacky. slept till about 11:00. I felt a hell of a lot better so I decided to sit down and write a little.
Other than that life is life. work is work....and damn i wish i had some pot.
Other than that life is life. work is work....and damn i wish i had some pot.
Hey, it's me! My account is about to run out and a firend bought me a new account...just wanted to let you know that some random chick is not adding you to her friends list...hope all is well!
you should update cause we all
you !

So I've been busy as shit for the last week, life is just hectic for me. Workin on peoples pc's and trying to get out and have some fun....not a lot going on here in PDX that I can say I enjoy at the moment..just spent a few days at the Bog and Mt. Tabor going off on some puck rawk...Need some salad as drinks...
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hey darling ~ VERY nice profile pic !

Why do they call it 2 buck chuck when it costs 3 dollars? Well i know why but still. My rantings may not make to much sence, maybe from the chuck but maybe thats just the way i am.
Maybe brother Pabst can help me?
Maybe brother Pabst can help me?
you wrote in your journal

Did you want to joinSG Motorcycles? It's been a while and I never heard back. Your app is about to expire, so drop me a note if you want in.