First, I do have to say this wasn't one of the topics that I was wanting to blog about, but after reading a few comments from a couple of the SG ladies about this, I, as a man, wanted to say something.
What I have found really frustrating to preempt my planned topic is the number of ladies on SG that have complained about some "guy" (and I use that term loosely as I will explain shortly...) feels it necessary to send to the ladies a picture of his penis. I've seen at least 6 to 10 complaints here on SG or on Instagram in the past week or so.
Personally, I think it is wrong and an 'embarrassment' for those men who try so hard to show a proper image and give the ladies on SG all the respect they deserve. I find it appalling that any man would think it okay to send 'those kind' of pics under any circumstance. IT'S NOT. Oh, I'm sure there is some 'guy' out there that is thinking that my complaint about him unwantingly sharing his penis is an infringement upon his rights. Well, it's not his 'right' in the first place. It's offensive, as I've seen many of the ladies say, not to mention rude. I mean, really? That's how these 'guys' think they will impress ladies?? I guess the ironic side was one comment I read about one of these 'guys' was 'lacking'...
Although there is nothing that I could specifically do to stop there 'guys' from doing it, I do have a couple of suggestions:
1) Make sure to block and report the person on whatever site it happens. Most sites do have a conduct clause and will usually take action, especially if a woman complains.
2) Start a list/group that all the ladies can join. When any of the ladies have this happen, post the site and offender's ID so that the other ladies can also block and/or report the person. One sure way to stop them is to get the word out!
And for those out there that think it is 'okay' to do that because the ladies are on sites where they can share their photographs with us, that is no excuse. To me, that makes it all the worse of an offense. Maybe I'm just a bit too old fashioned, but nothing about 'dick pics' is cool.
Show all the ladies here on SG (SGs, Hopefuls and members) the RESPECT they deserve.