I'm a rolling stone. I am the sudden movement out the corner of your eye.
even those who look upon me directly, see nothing. i am the quiet little center of the world.
someone can experience a moment. after something happens there is a calm. unable to be measured by any standard of human time. it is what happens when you know the answer but it is too late. esprit de l'escalier. that split second that might as well go on for a whole minute. if not a whole lifetime.
"just what awakened me I cannot yet say, but that I did indeed wake at this given point I feel very certain."
even those who look upon me directly, see nothing. i am the quiet little center of the world.
someone can experience a moment. after something happens there is a calm. unable to be measured by any standard of human time. it is what happens when you know the answer but it is too late. esprit de l'escalier. that split second that might as well go on for a whole minute. if not a whole lifetime.
"just what awakened me I cannot yet say, but that I did indeed wake at this given point I feel very certain."
Now the trippy thing is when that moment then continues to bounce and ripple into the future as a memory...first as a strong memory and then later lesser and lesser real details are recalled.
I remember my first birthday and there was a cake on the table with one tall red candle. First time I had ever seen a candle.
Then later I could remember that candle and as time passed, I can not only remember that candle, I can remember the photo with me and that candle (although the photo is lost now) and I can remember times where I remembered that scene...
- R