In just over 24 hours I will be in Peru, and I have all of the feels right now! I don't actually know what else to write at the moment, so I should probably just go finish packing. There will be an album upon my return, I'm sure.

¡Nos vemos, Canadá!


It is heartwarming to see someone genuinely connect to their inner child like this!

This is so cute. Hahaha.

In a few short hours, I will be in burlesque heaven. I have been looking forward to this since I got my ticket months ago. And of course I got a VIP one, so I should have a few pictures to share from tonight. I hope to see some of you there!


I had no pisco in the house at the moment, so I made due with a vodka sour. It was still pretty good. I am going to Peru in May, and it is all I can think about. The people, the food, the sights! ¡PISCO! I'll be doing a bit of everything: landing in Lima, then going straight from there to Arequipa for a few
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so... you were making a pisco sour with vodka? i haven't tried that before. let me know how it went! xo
It looks like I managed to miss my annual blog deadline by several months. It's because my attention span for writing a blog is about as long as this sentence, but I'll try.

I guess all I've really been thinking about lately is a particular lady that brightens my day whenever we work the same shifts. She finally agreed to hang out later this week,...
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I suck at blogging, so I'll keep it short and to the point: Still alive, still single, new job, sprained wrist in a hardcore-cartoon-fall, enjoying the mild winter but anxious for summer, SGs are hot, and I've been going out less (which, remarkably, means more money in the ole chequing account.)

That about sums it up.


I think I like this lady. (Warning: Major...
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Best testimonial ever!
Thank you, I appreciate your comment!

I try to think of it as a longterm phase, that something will come along. But I almost think it's thinking that that holds me back, if that makes sense. If I just keep thinking something will change, I'll always be let down. I almost have to accept that this is just my life, and I made it this way. Which sounds more depressing than it is, I swear!
Want to know how amazing Ohio SGs are in particular? This has been my news feed for... the entire day.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Wit has a new live set, "Slumber Party"
Praesepe has a new live set, "Slumber Party"
King has a new live set, "Slumber Party"
Damsel has a new live set, "Slumber Party"

That set is so deadly, it appears...
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well i'm sure you have a few things in common with kittens.
happy birthday!!
Must find... Must watch.... Must see anything voiced by Tom Waits.

I did in fact immediately buy a copy before I finished reading it. I'm guessing I'll start rereading it and underlining the second it shows up at my doorstep, and it will probably lead to many many overly introspective blog posts.
thank you for such a nice comment to my new set "Digital Love" kiss