3 o'clock and awake as usual. I don't even mind not being able to really sleep anymore, which I guess is a nice thing. Overall it's been a pretty good night. Got home, played SWTOR (I'm a nerd sometimes, shh) until just now cause the servers went down :p
I could rant about how awesome that game is, but I'll refrain :3
Just got back from EMT class! I always feel so pumped after that class, idk why. It's pretty active, so maybe that's why. We fucked around with stretchers today; I got to play the horrid injured back patient a few times :3 Good fun :p
I haven't been this excited for a class since my freshman year in college. I didn't think I could be... Read More
Sounds great. Did 7 years of EMS before went to medical school. Was a lot more fun then being a doctor. Enjoy it. You will meet some awesome people along the way.
Hahahahahahahaha fun!... thanks hun for write... i know that this sound good ahahaha.. but about the weekend a lot of things happened a lot of bad things ... kisses dear... and i love your fort ghahahahaha.
So, I went to do homework and fell asleep on the couch, hah. I guess I was a lot more tired than I had thought. The nap was nice, too, and I feel a lot more rested. I'd send a pic of the awesome couch where I crashed, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get my phone to interact... Read More
Down at 5 up at 9.30... wtf. It amazes me how I can't sleep anymore. I average between three and four hours a night, and can't seem to improve on that at all. It's being going on to the point where I feel kinda rested even though I've barely gotten any rest. *sigh* oh well
Sunday! I feel like I have a lot to do... Read More
Whoo! Home by 3! lol My neighbor saved my from my unending boredom. He, his roommate and I went out to the bars, which I haven't been to in a while. After a few hours of hilarious attempts to talk to girls we stagger home and now I'm on here
I don't actually have anything to say, just a wee bit drunk :o