I'm stoned, have a concussion, and have absolutely no idea what's going on. It's great :p
My day today started at 8 with me staggering in a dizzy haze to the bathroom to puke because the world was spinning, completely sober. Fun.
I really fucking hate concussions. I can't remember much of what happened yesterday, and the parts I do remember are super hazy. My head doesn't even hurt (which could be a bad thing in itself), but everything feels so off. I've felt carsick sitting on the couch for no reason, and the world doesn't quite sit still. One of my stitches popped today, too. It was the middle on, though, so I put a butterfly on it and think it'll be fine.
Oh, on that note, I'm totally rocking the head wound look today
My day today started at 8 with me staggering in a dizzy haze to the bathroom to puke because the world was spinning, completely sober. Fun.
I really fucking hate concussions. I can't remember much of what happened yesterday, and the parts I do remember are super hazy. My head doesn't even hurt (which could be a bad thing in itself), but everything feels so off. I've felt carsick sitting on the couch for no reason, and the world doesn't quite sit still. One of my stitches popped today, too. It was the middle on, though, so I put a butterfly on it and think it'll be fine.
Oh, on that note, I'm totally rocking the head wound look today
I'm hoping I start to feel better by the time my class starts tonight, but I really doubt it. This injury has made my whole body bruised and hurt, but really I have no idea how.
Alright, well, enough with the bitching, I'm off to the rest of today.
Just remember that your brain floats in fluid so when you hit that wall it sloshed forward with the impact but then did a "rebound" slosh backwards. Secondly, your inner ear (my specialty!) houses your balance organs and impact injuries can often cause balance issues. Look up BPPV. You might be rockin' a little of this with your Headwound Harry look.
This is totally my specialty so if you have questions, just message me. Feel better soon!