NO MORE TUBE IN MY KIDNEY.24 more hours and im back to what ever my normal is.
More Blogs
Thursday Dec 08, 2005
snow all over here now and its pretty -
Saturday Dec 03, 2005
Im finally back and most of my friends arent here any more . wanna be… -
Tuesday Oct 05, 2004
new hair do . ya like ? -
Thursday May 20, 2004
I went to see my friend "missy" at the lucky lady last night. I have… -
Monday May 17, 2004
still havent got a good answer on my phone issues . but did finally g… -
Monday May 03, 2004
just picked up a new cellphone. my old one croaked on me. decided for… -
Monday Mar 01, 2004
OK, i guess since i got a new studio i have a lil to talk about. any …