Memorial Day.
Is it just me, or does Aura look a little young?
I had a dream last week that I was playing softball and Lil Jon was playing first base. It was pretty bizarre.
Go Bulls!
I had a dream last night that my ex-girlfriend was pregnant. We broke up in August, but she hadn't told me about it at the time.
I woke up worrying that it was real.
I woke up worrying that it was real.
I had a dream that I was making a sandwich. A very boring dream, indeed.
You know, I kinda feel bad for antony. It must suck for your set to go up the same day as a new set by the quintessential SG.
By the way, the set basically blew me away. Wow.
By the way, the set basically blew me away. Wow.
If you have the chance to see Sin City, take it. That movie is awesome.
Off to NY tomorrow.
Damn, I need to do laundry.
I dislike doing laundry, but I abhor doing dishes.
Hell yeah.
Hey thanks, Im glad someone got was i was trying to say. That tireironsaint guy is a douche. I dont know if you are a member or not but he started a huge argument in the hardcore group as well. He contradicts himself mad crazy. But then thats the scene thing to do. HAHA. have a great night buddy.