I'm quiting my 2nd job. When I got hired it was with one stipulation... that I got off in time to not be late to my 1st job... I've been getting off an hour - an hour and a half late EVERY DAY I work... I get new tables up to an hour after I'm supposed to be off. With the shifts I'm scheduled for over the next 2 weeks, I'll be late for my 1st job AT LEAST 5 times. AT LEAST. Some of the shifts fucking overlap! Yesterday, I was an hour late to Swanson's.
They failed to make the one request that I had of them. So it's back to the drawing board in looking for a second job. Any suggestions? This fucking blows.
On the bright side, hey, I made a little extra cash, right? And I'll make more, yes, I'll make more. Lee, don't hate me. I might wait until AFTER San Diego to book Australia... that's an extra $1k in my pocket for "buffer" room for the one trip. We'll see though. We'll see.
On a positive note, my next Swanson's pay check (not this one, the one after) is going to be fucking bank. 2 shifts at time and a half. Plus a fucking holiday paid extra day too. I'm back to saving every penny again though....
I'm quiting my 2nd job. When I got hired it was with one stipulation... that I got off in time to not be late to my 1st job... I've been getting off an hour - an hour and a half late EVERY DAY I work... I get new tables up to an hour after I'm supposed to be off. With the shifts I'm scheduled for over the next 2 weeks, I'll be late for my 1st job AT LEAST 5 times. AT LEAST. Some of the shifts fucking overlap! Yesterday, I was an hour late to Swanson's.
They failed to make the one request that I had of them. So it's back to the drawing board in looking for a second job. Any suggestions? This fucking blows.
On the bright side, hey, I made a little extra cash, right? And I'll make more, yes, I'll make more. Lee, don't hate me. I might wait until AFTER San Diego to book Australia... that's an extra $1k in my pocket for "buffer" room for the one trip. We'll see though. We'll see.
On a positive note, my next Swanson's pay check (not this one, the one after) is going to be fucking bank. 2 shifts at time and a half. Plus a fucking holiday paid extra day too. I'm back to saving every penny again though....
I wish I could help with the job front. I used to work 2, so I understand completely!!!