This is the most specialist blog of all time for me. True story! I even uploaded video footage to Youtube for it for the first time in my entire life! Cause it's the 4th of July, damn it!! For those of you who don't know, the 4th of July is my favorite holiday. And not just in the everything is my favorite way, but as in I like it better than my birthday which is a Holiday (Halloween). Like it's better than Christmas and my birthday and New Years combined for me. Why, you might ask?
Fireworks. And in case you don't know how deep that box is:
And in all honesty, this was a REALLY light year for me. Normally I have about twice this much at least... for just my share...
I'd like to take a moment here to give a big boo to Cody who not only ditched me, but who almost ditched town without telling me so that I would have blown my food budget for this pay check for fireworks I wouldn't have gotten to shoot off, because they were locked in his garage. Cody, you're fired for almost ruining two 4th of Julys in a row for me. Seriously, fired.
That being said, it all worked out thanks to Craig who FINALLY returned my call and let me throw a small party at his place. It was pretty much the best day ever. Another Riz photoblog under the cut for those of you who love them. ♥
For fireworks we went out to the fair grounds where there is a huge amount of people all doing the same. It was insanely awesome! A solid hour and a half of fireworks blowing up all around us. 360 degrees of the sky being lit in constant bursts. I've been trying to get people to do this with me for years. Everyone told me after that this was the best 4th ever and that they chose wisely. What can I say? I know how to show a good time! The following are a few clips I took trying to show how constant and everyone the light show was. Very fun!!
Also! Talking to Craig today I mentioned moving to California to him and he asked me if it was ok if he moved down with me and was my roommate. Seriously. FUCKYEAH!! I love my friends. I need to start a "relocate Fargo" website or something. Of all my friends, Craig is the one that I believe the most would move with me. We're looking forward to living together far away from family. I can't wait to cook our own Thanksgiving dinner and other holiday feasts. Just Craig and me, our own little family. We kinda have been trying to be that way for years, so it'll be nice to actually be able to do it! Craig = my favorite brother that I never had. He's not just a friend anymore, he really is family.
How amazing are my friends though? That we are such a big part of each others lives that they'll pick up and leave town just so that we can stay together. I am so beyond blessed. When we get down to California it's going to be game night once a week at our place. Munchkin, Magic, board games, maybe some D&D, whatevs. Potluck game night will be reinstated. You're all invited.
I decided tonight that if this was to be my last 4th of July in Fargo, it was definitely fine. I really felt like I lived it to the fullest. It'd be full enough of happy memories to carry me over in a commie state that didn't let me risk my life blowing up explosives while drinking for fun.
Now get off my back!!!!!!!