You know, after 9 months of being in a relationship I forgot how difficult it is to find a good man. lol It's easy to meet men of course, they're all over the place and they love me 'cause I'm a single American woman (a hot commodity amongst all the Army wives, 17 and under dependents, and German women). But finding a GOOD one? Not easy, not easy at all. I never had problems in the past 'cause I was not picky at all... but now that I'm being picky? I think I'm gonna be single for a while. haha Which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Anyways, I have midterms tomorrow. These will be be my first proctored tests since starting college. I have a feeling I'll to well, I'm really not nervous about it. But all the same wish me luck!
Anyways, I have midterms tomorrow. These will be be my first proctored tests since starting college. I have a feeling I'll to well, I'm really not nervous about it. But all the same wish me luck!

Hope your midterm went well. 

I got 92.5% in Sociology and 70% in US History. I'm a bit disappointed in my History score but I didn't really study much and I'm just not a History fan so... yeah. lol I'll study more next time!!