Ugh... I just got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. My mouth is so sore! And it's so swollen that I look like Jay Leno. lol This seriously sucks just as much as breaking my arm and getting surgery! It hurt just as bad, my mouth is almost as useless as my arm was, and it was scarier 'cause I was awake to get my teeth pulled but asleep for my arm. -sighs-
On a happier note I'm now a W.O.W. fan. lol My boyfriend plays and I was ragging on him about it but then I was like "Can I try playing?" I really just wanted to check it so if it sucked I could just tell him it was a lame game and he shouldn't play... but I loved it! lol Who'd have thunk it?
I spent all of Sunday and Monday playing. My boyfriend said he'd get me my own account if my laptop can handle the game... so hopefully it can 'cause I wanna play. 
On a happier note I'm now a W.O.W. fan. lol My boyfriend plays and I was ragging on him about it but then I was like "Can I try playing?" I really just wanted to check it so if it sucked I could just tell him it was a lame game and he shouldn't play... but I loved it! lol Who'd have thunk it?

I hope you feel better!
Must be so painful