I went to the Disturbed concert on Saturday and it was AWESOME!
Unfortunately, we arrived an hour and a half late (my mom got us lost...) so we missed Shinedown and the first few songs.
But the hour and a half we did see was great. They should just like on the CD, so wonderful live. And the drummer did a terrific solo! Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures... my mom told us (Jarod and I) they wouldn't let us bring cameras... she was wrong. We aren't going to listen to her anymore... we're just going to follow our guts. lol
I finally submitted a photo set. I wanted to do one before I went into surgery tomorrow, 'cause then I'd have to wait at least a month before I didn't have stitches or a scab on my arm. It's not the best because I seem to have misplaced my PSP8. I think I may have given it to my dad so I'll ask him about it. So I wasn't able to photoshop them to make the lighting better and what not. Oh well... it was good practice. But since it wasn't photoshopped I only submitted it to Staff Review. Here's a few pictures anyways:

So as I mentioned... surgery on my arm tomorrow. I'm actually pretty nervous and scared about it. Which is understandable because it IS surgery, I'll be getting general anesthesia, getting cut open, and having metal pulled out of my bone. Ick. But at the same time, I did go through the surgery to have the pins put in my arm in the first place, and I survived without any complications. So I feel like I shouldn't be so worried about it. But I am!!! I don't want to do it. Not to mention it takes months for the scar to heal enough to not look disgusting. -sighs-
Update (October 22, 2008):
So I had surgery yesterday and all went well. I came home last night. My arm is sore as hell and it's going to leave a gnarly scar 'cause it's one jacked up sew job. lol I got to keep the pins, they're a lot thicker than I thought they'd be, hopefully my arm won't hurt anymore now that those are out of it.
Anyways, I found it odd how differently they did the surgery at this hospital compared to the hospital I got the first surgery done at. Last time I got to at least wear underwear and a hospital gown during surgery. This time I had to take my panties off (and replace them with some weird mesh hospital panties which didn't cover a damn thing, I still don't know what the purpose of them was) and I was told to take my hospital gown off. So basically I was butt naked on the operating table... which considering the surgery was on my arm I thought it was a bit unnecessary but whatever those Germans have never been shy about nudity. lol I was also given a drainage bag which I had to keep overnight (I went in this morning to have it removed)... which was disgusting! I had a bag of blood hanging from my arm... lol So this hospital was weird. But the people were a lot more friendly than at the last hospital so that was nice... and almost made up for making me go butt naked and having a bag of blood dangling from one of my appendages... almost.

I finally submitted a photo set. I wanted to do one before I went into surgery tomorrow, 'cause then I'd have to wait at least a month before I didn't have stitches or a scab on my arm. It's not the best because I seem to have misplaced my PSP8. I think I may have given it to my dad so I'll ask him about it. So I wasn't able to photoshop them to make the lighting better and what not. Oh well... it was good practice. But since it wasn't photoshopped I only submitted it to Staff Review. Here's a few pictures anyways:

So as I mentioned... surgery on my arm tomorrow. I'm actually pretty nervous and scared about it. Which is understandable because it IS surgery, I'll be getting general anesthesia, getting cut open, and having metal pulled out of my bone. Ick. But at the same time, I did go through the surgery to have the pins put in my arm in the first place, and I survived without any complications. So I feel like I shouldn't be so worried about it. But I am!!! I don't want to do it. Not to mention it takes months for the scar to heal enough to not look disgusting. -sighs-

Update (October 22, 2008):
So I had surgery yesterday and all went well. I came home last night. My arm is sore as hell and it's going to leave a gnarly scar 'cause it's one jacked up sew job. lol I got to keep the pins, they're a lot thicker than I thought they'd be, hopefully my arm won't hurt anymore now that those are out of it.

Anyways, I found it odd how differently they did the surgery at this hospital compared to the hospital I got the first surgery done at. Last time I got to at least wear underwear and a hospital gown during surgery. This time I had to take my panties off (and replace them with some weird mesh hospital panties which didn't cover a damn thing, I still don't know what the purpose of them was) and I was told to take my hospital gown off. So basically I was butt naked on the operating table... which considering the surgery was on my arm I thought it was a bit unnecessary but whatever those Germans have never been shy about nudity. lol I was also given a drainage bag which I had to keep overnight (I went in this morning to have it removed)... which was disgusting! I had a bag of blood hanging from my arm... lol So this hospital was weird. But the people were a lot more friendly than at the last hospital so that was nice... and almost made up for making me go butt naked and having a bag of blood dangling from one of my appendages... almost.

I hope the set makes it to member review.