His birthday was 2 days ago, but he's in the field for training so we haven't celebrated it yet. He gets back in 3 days. So far I have the following planned:
- Birthday card with a gift certificate to receive a half hour stress relief back massage from the day spa tucked inside.
- 23 red velvet cupcakes, one for each year of his life and red because it's his favorite color, 11 will be with chocolate frosting and 12 will be with vanilla frosting.
- When we have plenty of free time we'll go on a picnic where we can play the board game I made him for our 3 month anniversary... we never played it cause we got into a fight that day. lol
I want it to be a special birthday cause he'll be in Iraq next year on his birthday.
Does anyone else have any good ideas, or does that seem like enough? I've never actually been dating a guy during his birthday before so I want it to be perfect. lol
Oh and I'll definitely be posting pictures when I make the cupcakes and when we go on out picnic. hehe
September 2 Edit:
Those are my cupcakes. First time I ever made them so I'm pretty happy with the result. The cupcakes themselves came out slightly different sizes but the icing fixed that. Still gotta eat one so it'll make 23 though.
Oh I did a very naughty thing! I ate about 700 calories is extra icing! x_x That puts me at about 2100 calories for the day. Which is 600 more than my goal. lol Oh well... it's a one time thing and the first time I've ever eaten icing straight from the carton! lol
Thanks for the add
Have a nice day...