So I'm enlisting in the Army. I talked to a recruiter on Wednesday and I'm taking the ASVAB on Monday. I'm hoping to get 68m (Nutrition Care Specialist) or 68w (Health Care Specialist, better known as a Medic), but pretty much anything in the medical field will make me happy, or cooking or journalism. So we'll see what I can get, wish me luck. I... Read More
Ok so it's been a while so I'm just blogging to say I'm alive! haha My mom's currently on R&R and I had Spring Break last week, so I've just been relaxing. Unfortunately, it's back to the books this week. lol
If anyone lives in Bavaria you should go to the Nurnberg Fest (it'll be there until the 26th). I went on Sunday and had... Read More
Ugh... so I haven't been on for ages. I've been so busy. With what you may ask? I got a new man in my life. w00t! Hopefully this one goes better than the rest of them. lol
Oh and just for the record, I got an A in Sociology and US History 1. Damn, I'm smart. haha
Edit: yeah so after a month he turned... Read More
haha Thanks ReverendAsh... I just have the worst luck. But hey, at least I found out quickly with that last one! Even his friends aren't friends with him anymore cause of the way he's started acting... dude is PSYCHO! haha
Ok so I know getting colds are super common (thus their being called the common cold) and I've had like a million in my life time and I think many times I mistakenly thought I had the flu when I really just had a bad cold. Well this time I definitely have the flu and now I believe I've never had it before... or at... Read More
Ok so last night I had my first threesome. It was with 2 guy friends of mine. It was pretty awesome. haha It was both of their first times too so the whole time we were all like... Read More
OMG! The tattoo convention SUCKED! It was much smaller than I had thought it would be, everything was way overpriced (at my local piercer its 60 euro for two nipple piercings, at the convention one vendor said 90 euro but was willing to give me the "deal" of 80, yeah right!!!), and I have never seen a bathroom so disgusting in Germany!!! Germany is usually... Read More
they are always like that-they charge more at cons mostly because they know there are alot of people with weak minds that they convivs to get a tat they don't want
I'm going to the 5th Nrnberger Tattoo Convention on Friday! Plan on getting my Libra tattoo touched up and getting my nipples pierced (and getting my hood piercing taken out so I can put different jewelry in, I can't get that damned thing out!! lol). Unfortunately, I only have one tattoo and it's not contest worthy so I'll just be looking at other people's crazy... Read More
You know, after 9 months of being in a relationship I forgot how difficult it is to find a good man. lol It's easy to meet men of course, they're all over the place and they love me 'cause I'm a single American woman (a hot commodity amongst all the Army wives, 17 and under dependents, and German women). But finding a GOOD one? Not... Read More
I got 92.5% in Sociology and 70% in US History. I'm a bit disappointed in my History score but I didn't really study much and I'm just not a History fan so... yeah. lol I'll study more next time!!
So it's been about 5 days since my boyfriend broke up with me and he said yesterday he doesn't want to work things out. So I'm moving on. I don't have any choice really. I already got a date for this weekend, just gonna have fun and meet new people. Time to be young and crazy again, I think alcohol and me are going to... Read More