I have neglected this site, so sorry.
Though I am really paying the price by not getting to see all the hot pictures.
Life has been alright. Today I am going to a surprise graduation/birthday party for my cousin's fiance who just graduated as a Marine. Another one of my cousins texted me a picture on Friday night of him and a girl. Sounds odd, but it is because I am always saying that attractive women run from him. I haven't heard back from him though, so maybe he found a crazy one and is in a tub full of ice right now.
My boss put in her notice a few weeks ago and this week is her last week.
I had planned to write more, but I took some bendryll (allergies) and this guy is getting sleeeepppyyyy!
Though I am really paying the price by not getting to see all the hot pictures.
Life has been alright. Today I am going to a surprise graduation/birthday party for my cousin's fiance who just graduated as a Marine. Another one of my cousins texted me a picture on Friday night of him and a girl. Sounds odd, but it is because I am always saying that attractive women run from him. I haven't heard back from him though, so maybe he found a crazy one and is in a tub full of ice right now.
My boss put in her notice a few weeks ago and this week is her last week.
I had planned to write more, but I took some bendryll (allergies) and this guy is getting sleeeepppyyyy!

I am so glad to be safe as well. Although, the emotional ailments are just setting in today. I am so pissed. Oh well, I just need to give it a few days and it will pass. I just feel sorry for my bf, because I LOATHE men right now... lol.
Hey, why have you neglected the site? You have no time? Kisses!