Just got back from Vacation, defn needed it. Also, a two for one, I flew for the first time. The destination? Montego Bay! Some take aways from the trip
1. A lot of pasty americans who shouldn't be in swimsuits tend to spend a lot of time walking around in said attire.
2. Magaretaville during the day is a tourist trap. hey don't like to give you change back and the drinks are insanely priced (i.e. 1 red stripe 1 margareta = $18.00).
3. Plenty of friendly wildlife abounds, when snorkling bring bread. Jamaican fish like bread.
I got a new camera so I was playing around with it.
Some odd steps.. they were covered with water a lot of the time.Maybe from an dock? Maybe from a previous building?
Nothing special, I just thought the cloud/sun beam interplay was interesting.
Dinner appetizer one night
1. A lot of pasty americans who shouldn't be in swimsuits tend to spend a lot of time walking around in said attire.
2. Magaretaville during the day is a tourist trap. hey don't like to give you change back and the drinks are insanely priced (i.e. 1 red stripe 1 margareta = $18.00).
3. Plenty of friendly wildlife abounds, when snorkling bring bread. Jamaican fish like bread.
I got a new camera so I was playing around with it.
Some odd steps.. they were covered with water a lot of the time.Maybe from an dock? Maybe from a previous building?
Nothing special, I just thought the cloud/sun beam interplay was interesting.
Dinner appetizer one night