My dog thinks he has too sleep in my bed now. Last night I chased him back upstairs three times. Still didn't work.

We have a tall pet gate blocking the dining room, kitchen, and stairs. It doesn't even slow him down. This dude climbs trees.

Anyway, an eighty pound pitbull doesn't fit in-between the wife and I very well. And as a kicker, my...
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I guess CPR can be handy if you are in a bad situation. It just blows when you can pass the course blindfolded.


I've taken this a million times. The messed up thing is, it changes every f-ing time! At least it's a bit simpler now.


Well, I'm getting ready to go stand in a river, and guess what, it's twenty six degrees. That wouldn't be bad, except I'll be stripping flyline through my frozen fingers. :) Oh well, I'll be with a great friend, and the river is my "church." Something about feeling the power of a steelhead river just sets me at peace. Most people won't get it unless...
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Well, one of my daughters bobwhite quail died yesterday. It was the whole 2 weeks of daily high temps below 25 degrees, and yes, I sealed their coop and have a heat lamp going.

Granted, my kiddo had a rough morning, but she surprised me a little. I couldn't dig a hole to bury the little guy, due to the frozen ground. So, I told...
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I'm sorry :/
Awe, thanks lady!  My daughter is dealing with it pretty well.  The whole thing sucks, but she's learning about the whole cycle of nature sort of thing I guess.

I have 2 dogs that will lay down their lives for my kids. And guess what, they are pitbulls! It really sucks when I can't even walk my dog without people crossing the street or picking up their children.

Yeah, a pitbull can do some damage. But, I get told time and again, "your dogs are the poster children of why pitbulls are good dogs...
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My daughter is a big Deadmou5 fan, granted I don't let her listen to his explicit stuff.

I volunteered to make the head from scratch, which turned out to be a chore! She loved it though! And, that's what counts, even though I'm still picking glue and glitter off my fingernails!

Hope everyone enjoys it!

The quail are doing awesome, and my big boy (pit) is dealing with them better than I expected!
I'm really pumped though, I got tickets for my daughter to see two of her favorite bands! Dr. Dog, and The Lumineers.
I took her to Jack Johnson, but it was the first year the Gorge allowed drinking on the lawn for years. Needless too say, the...
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All of my daughters bobwhite quail survived this time!
Now I have to finish their enclosure tomorrow, 'cause they are old enough to live outside Sunday. It's almost done but, now comes the predator proofing! We have lots of raccoons, possums, and a bobcat that show up on rare occasions.
Fun. puke
aw! rad smile
The quail are pretty awesome, but I have to make sure "critters" can't bust in. My daughter would be devastated!!! So, the work begins. Good luck raccoons!!! mad
Gettin' quail for my baby girl on the 22nd! About effing time! Watching her being crushed twice mind you, 'cause of random crap sucked really bad! This time looks more promising! An amazing hippie lady with a military husband have really helped us out.
There are still good people in this world!
They're still kickin' and full of piss and vinegar!
Guess I'll have to build a "quail flight pen" soon!
Yep, getting sweaty, drinking beer, and showing off some tattooes! (not like anyone will see them in my backyard though! smile )