My dog thinks he has too sleep in my bed now. Last night I chased him back upstairs three times. Still didn't work.
We have a tall pet gate blocking the dining room, kitchen, and stairs. It doesn't even slow him down. This dude climbs trees.
Anyway, an eighty pound pitbull doesn't fit in-between the wife and I very well. And as a kicker, my alarm went off this morning and, I ended up being french kissed by the bastard! Nothing worse than full on dog tongue, particularly first thing in the morning!
Don't get me wrong. He's an amazing dog. Like one of my friends told me, "Man, your dogs are the best examples I've ever seen proving that pitbulls can be some of the best family dogs ever!"
Sometimes it can get a bit trying when I can't even go to the bathroom without him opening the door and staring at me.
Guess what, he just showed up and is currently licking my elbow (the desktop is in the basement). Gotta love the jerk!