Yeah, I have three tatt's in the works. I'll be getting drilled on in early april. All old norse warship symbols, because my grandparents are from Norway and Sweden. The coolest thing is, they had too run too Oregon because back then it was taboo for a Norwegian man too fall in love with a Swedish girl. But they've been together for 60 plus years! So cool!
In honor of my amazing grandparents I'm getting the norse eagle on the back of my left shoulder, the norse boar in the center and the most meaningfull of all, the norse raven on the right.
The norse raven was a flag only flown by Norwegian and Swedish viking ships.

The eagle will have thicker lines and be flipped, so it's facing center!
In honor of my amazing grandparents I'm getting the norse eagle on the back of my left shoulder, the norse boar in the center and the most meaningfull of all, the norse raven on the right.
The norse raven was a flag only flown by Norwegian and Swedish viking ships.

The eagle will have thicker lines and be flipped, so it's facing center!
Find me on facebook and I have some videos of them posted. The offer isn't quite the same, I only have one ticket left, but I may have that one gone soon. Sorry.
Well. as far as the Norse symbols go, they are for my grandparents.
And yeah, alot of Scandanavian immigrants settled in the Dakota's, Oregon, or the great lakes area. My grandparents are one of those story book like forbidden romance type stories though!