I'm on a really low dose of a med that has a side effect. It prolonges ejaculation.

My doctor said women love it, but I don't.


Big Deschutes steelhead on little flies!

I need this!


Some completely irresponsible owner just made "pitbulls" on the front page of a local newspaper!

My wife, with about 40 thousand other pitbull owners in the S.E. Washington/N.E. Oregon area blew up the page on KNDU.

Golden retrievers bite more people than any other dog, except cocker spaniels!

Rotts', and Shepherds do the most damage.

I've owned amstaffs, rotts, and sold wolf/shepherd mixes to the...
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oh, my boy :(

I brought my amazing daughter fishing yesterday. Granted, it was the slowest day I've seen this spring. But, she loved it! She wants to go this morning (I'll wake her up in 10 minutes).

Yesterday the "creel checker" said, "Hey, didn't I see you that day you caught and released that big steelhead?"

It's amazing the random people you meet when you fish a lot!...
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Yeah, not from herb this time. I've been waking up at 2am every morning chasing spring chinook.

I smell like fish and am completely delirious from lack of sleep. Landed two today and let them go (they were natives).

Man those fish pull HARD!!!


Open minded people without the judgement of everyday life, besides, beautiful empowered women too boot.

I've only chatted with one person who was a complete ass, and he wasn't a suicide girl. Thank you all! Coolest site ever! (granted, I've seen some pretty creepy comments)

Am glad you like of being here

I am so happy for my baby girl!

She is the youngest in our little town to preform a solo dance routine.

The organizers in Portland put her up against kids older, and, that practice 40hrs a week.

Well, she got second place in a class she should not have been in! :)

And, too top it off, both of her other routines placed first!!!...
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congrats :)

I've worked at a state run psychiatric facility for fifteen years. I worked my way up from a janitor to a mental health therapist 2. Then contrary to what every other state in the U.S. is doing, Oregon decided "big box" facilities were better. So, they closed our 62 bed facility down. Our place was the only facility that was federally funded in the state....
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My little man surprised me!

He caught three trout,but let the biggest and smallest go!

Guess I taught him well but never realized it.

His big sister makes most of my friends look bad!

She didn't want to fish for trout tomorrow. I heard, They're too small!

Can we catch big fish?

"Let's go carp fishing!"


My little ladies junior Jazz Traveling Team (Dance), just got second place at Nationals. Her hip-hop crew got fourth. She's the youngest one on both her teams, and is also the youngest to be asked to perform a solo routine! :)


My dog thinks he has too sleep in my bed now. Last night I chased him back upstairs three times. Still didn't work.

We have a tall pet gate blocking the dining room, kitchen, and stairs. It doesn't even slow him down. This dude climbs trees.

Anyway, an eighty pound pitbull doesn't fit in-between the wife and I very well. And as a kicker, my...
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