Im very confused as I fully support suicide girls and have never said anything cruel/hurtful/creepy to any of the girls (mostly I just like to remind people how pretty they are or how I like their hair/tattoos/clothes) so I'm very confused. Tonight I tried to comment saying congrats for reaching 200k to @kemper and it told me I was blocked from posting, I then tried to comment on @lua saying her New set should go fp in no time and again it said I was blocked from posting. I thought this was curious as I had posted on a tattoos complementing his work so I knew I wasn't blocked from posting all together so I thought I'd test it. I managed to post on @yugen photo saying how I'd love to meet her one day (she's at the merch table of bhb for all you lucky people who will have the opportunity) and it let me post no problem. I then tried to write a comment on the suicide girls insta and once again got the blocked message. What's going on!
If I've offended someone to the point they blocked me I am very sorry as I have never intended to do so. I can guarantee I fully support all the girls on here and love them all for the inspiration they give me to peruse my dreams and find parts of my body I don't hate too much.. I'm just very confused as to why I'm being blocked :(