I really shouldn't have because I can't even afford my rent or bills right now but I missed coming on here so bad. It's my day off today so job searching AGAIN cause no one I've interviewed with so far is interested in employing me *sigh* but still keeping optimistic. I have to find something soon right? Anyways on more positive notes, have you seen the set of the day!? Cause I haven't yet and am super excited to jump over and check it out! Absolutely love @yugen @circa @lua and @milloux so super stoked for all of them as well as all the other girls whom I'm less familiar with. Pretty sure I will be following more of them very soon though and giving them all lots of love on their sets!
Also super excited to check out @stormyent sets as I discovered her (you know what I mean) after my account expired and have totally fallen in love with everything she does from her instagram & youtube - her garters (OH MY GOD) so super excited to see her SG account!
YAY I'm so happy to be back!
What else have I missed!!??