I got a job! Yay! I'm going to be working at a super-awesome health food store about 10 minutes from my house.
I am really looking forward to it - plus I get 25% off everything in the store. Woot!
I am really looking forward to it - plus I get 25% off everything in the store. Woot!
I kind of wish I would have kept him, he was so nice.
I had not thought about him in years but for some reason I just started thinking about him, when I was looking at old articles on the internet I found a photo of him, I printed it out but I had to hid it because it creped me out, he looked to dead on the inside, I may post that photo if I can find it again.
Oh well, you can't blame a guy for trying hahahaha.
I'm so happy for you, I hope you love the job and I hope it pays you enough for you to live on.