Monday Dec 25, 2006 Dec 25, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email Remy and I wish you love, peace, and turkey grease this Christmas! VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS nikonphoto80: I hope you are having a great Christmas. Dust Bunny got a new cage, a really big one. I can't believe he is sitting on your shoulder like that. Dec 25, 2006 marcybeth: Remy is the cutest stanking thing EVER. and regarding your message to me... i think we have a LOT in common. it sounded as if you were describing me to a "T". Dec 27, 2006
Dust Bunny got a new cage, a really big one.
I can't believe he is sitting on your shoulder like that.
and regarding your message to me... i think we have a LOT in common. it sounded as if you were describing me to a "T".