Last night the boy got upset at me for something that I really didn't think was my fault. I still kinda don't believe it happened.
I spent an hour on the treadmill before working a full day, and then when we were together and we had sex we went at it for a really long time. I came about 5 or 6 times, and he came twice.
He decides that he wants to go at it a third time - I'm totally exhausted at this point but being the trooper that I am, I agreed to give it my best shot.
At this point however, my knees are shot for the evening, I'm extremely tight from so many orgasms, my jaw is aching from giving him head and having my wisdom teeth out recently, and I didn't have any lube for a handjob. I did my best, but he got upset at me for not finishing him off a third time.
I told him I would make it up to him soon, but he still seemed kind of pissed. I went home feeling a little hurt. I don't think that was deserved or fair - do you?
Anyway, enough about Cheeky Monkey for now.
Still working with the radio station to get mention about the Ron Campbell show on the air, but it doesn't look good because my company doesn't want to spend money on promotion.
I've had good luck with the Orlando Sentinel though. Props to them - they are going to send a reporter out to interview Ron and as well as an art critic. +1.
Also, UCF's art department has been very helpful, especially when I mentioned that I was an alumni and my degree was in Humanities. Their gallery director has offered to feature our art shows on the UCF Art website. Yet again, +1.
My uncle, who has purchased several Ron Campbell pieces from us over the last few years is going to all of the Beatles websites and posting about the show. +1.
Slowly the wheel is turning. Unfortunately, it resembles this one:
I think I have worked more in the past 6 months than I have in all of my life put together. At least, it feels that way. A typical night a few years back would have been smoking some cheeb with my friends, listening to music, playing video games, and watching TV or movies. Don't get me wrong; that is one of my favorite things to do and I'm not knocking it.
But these days, I have turned into some kind of superwoman who spends an hour on the treadmill 4 days a week, eats incredibly healthy food, works up to 42 hours a week, and then makes time for her friends and her Cheeky Monkey. It is unbelievable the stuff you can get done in a day or a week when you really make up your mind. Damn.
Anyway, I hope that everyone is well and I will say hello to everyone who posted in my last journal entry that I haven't already responded to shortly.
So, I talked to the boy via the phone this evening, and not only is he still upset about last night, he told me that he felt that it was all about me and once I came the very last time last night that I stopped worrying about getting him off a third time.
I have a feeling that our days of "whine and roses" are numbered. You know, his first wife tried to beat the crap out of him. His current wife SHOULD beat the crap out of him, and I definitely will if he ever tries to touch me again.
I spent an hour on the treadmill before working a full day, and then when we were together and we had sex we went at it for a really long time. I came about 5 or 6 times, and he came twice.
He decides that he wants to go at it a third time - I'm totally exhausted at this point but being the trooper that I am, I agreed to give it my best shot.
At this point however, my knees are shot for the evening, I'm extremely tight from so many orgasms, my jaw is aching from giving him head and having my wisdom teeth out recently, and I didn't have any lube for a handjob. I did my best, but he got upset at me for not finishing him off a third time.
I told him I would make it up to him soon, but he still seemed kind of pissed. I went home feeling a little hurt. I don't think that was deserved or fair - do you?

Anyway, enough about Cheeky Monkey for now.
Still working with the radio station to get mention about the Ron Campbell show on the air, but it doesn't look good because my company doesn't want to spend money on promotion.
I've had good luck with the Orlando Sentinel though. Props to them - they are going to send a reporter out to interview Ron and as well as an art critic. +1.
Also, UCF's art department has been very helpful, especially when I mentioned that I was an alumni and my degree was in Humanities. Their gallery director has offered to feature our art shows on the UCF Art website. Yet again, +1.
My uncle, who has purchased several Ron Campbell pieces from us over the last few years is going to all of the Beatles websites and posting about the show. +1.
Slowly the wheel is turning. Unfortunately, it resembles this one:

I think I have worked more in the past 6 months than I have in all of my life put together. At least, it feels that way. A typical night a few years back would have been smoking some cheeb with my friends, listening to music, playing video games, and watching TV or movies. Don't get me wrong; that is one of my favorite things to do and I'm not knocking it.
But these days, I have turned into some kind of superwoman who spends an hour on the treadmill 4 days a week, eats incredibly healthy food, works up to 42 hours a week, and then makes time for her friends and her Cheeky Monkey. It is unbelievable the stuff you can get done in a day or a week when you really make up your mind. Damn.

Anyway, I hope that everyone is well and I will say hello to everyone who posted in my last journal entry that I haven't already responded to shortly.

So, I talked to the boy via the phone this evening, and not only is he still upset about last night, he told me that he felt that it was all about me and once I came the very last time last night that I stopped worrying about getting him off a third time.
I have a feeling that our days of "whine and roses" are numbered. You know, his first wife tried to beat the crap out of him. His current wife SHOULD beat the crap out of him, and I definitely will if he ever tries to touch me again.

Tell him he's being selfish for not spilling his third load in time, and wasting yours.