My camera is still broken, and I'm still too poor to buy a new one... booooo! A little upsetting, but I will fix that soon enough. If nothing else my grandfather is giving me one of his older digital Canon SLR's
It may only be 8 mp but hey, I'll take what I can get. If nothing else it'll give me an opportunity to learn how to use one before I spend the $1000+ that I plan to on a Nikon. Speaking of shooting pretty pictures, I'm getting my procrastinating ass into high gear and planning a shoot or two as we speak! Pretty stoked, not gonna lie.
Other news, let me think... Jersey was fun, I spent some time with my grandparents which is always amazing. They are two of the strongest most caring people I know. I love them, and admire them, and hope that I get to enjoy many more years of their company... my grandma is currently undergoing kidney dialysis three times a week on top of other medical issues and so I worry, far more than she wants me too. She keeps telling me that she's lived a long happy life so won't regret a thing when she does go, but has no intentions of giving up any time soon. In her words:" I have another twenty years or so in me!" Love that woman <3
Oh yeah, and I cut off most of my hair

Other news, let me think... Jersey was fun, I spent some time with my grandparents which is always amazing. They are two of the strongest most caring people I know. I love them, and admire them, and hope that I get to enjoy many more years of their company... my grandma is currently undergoing kidney dialysis three times a week on top of other medical issues and so I worry, far more than she wants me too. She keeps telling me that she's lived a long happy life so won't regret a thing when she does go, but has no intentions of giving up any time soon. In her words:" I have another twenty years or so in me!" Love that woman <3
Oh yeah, and I cut off most of my hair


Hello, I'm new on here so I'm stopping by to get to know random people!!!

Sorry to hear about your grandfather, I hope everything works out for the best. I really like your grandma's outlook on life, I hope I'm like that when I'm a grandparent