Its been a while and I'm very over due for an update, but seeing how its 3 in the morning I'll leave that for another time. Big news of the day: more auditions! Tonight's auditions are for Rent
As I'm sure could be surmised by that statement I did not make it into either Little Shop or Spring Awakening but several of my friends did so yay them! I'll post the show dates once they're announced and hopefully some of you will pop out to UMASS and support our amazing theater department and my friends. Hopefully I'll at least work tech crew on Rent since I know my dance moves are mediocre at best but hey, I love the auditioning process. Well I could go on and on but I have class in the morning so more updates soon to come. Night folks!

That definitely sounds exciting, I need to make time to go up and see at least one showing.
I am going to Anime Boston this year again. I plan to meet up with several different groups of friends coming at different times throughout the weekend. Last year, I met up with Misa_ for a day, it was a lot of fun. I haven't decided on cosplay, what are you deciding to cosplay as?