I feel positively awful that I haven't updated in a while but finals are rushing up on me and the work load is getting ridiculous! I should be back in Amherst next semester though due to financial aid difficulties. The problem with this? I have nowhere to live! I need to get an apartment off campus but all of my friends already have roommates... oh bloody hell. I'll figure something out...
On a happier note I got two of my dermals done on my hip last week! I'll post pictures once they're a little more healed, they're not quite ready for their big debut yet
The best news of all though? Anime Boston is next month!!! and yes folks, I will be cosplaying
On a happier note I got two of my dermals done on my hip last week! I'll post pictures once they're a little more healed, they're not quite ready for their big debut yet
The best news of all though? Anime Boston is next month!!! and yes folks, I will be cosplaying
