Warped Tour in a few hours! So freaking stoked Though I should admittedly sleep...
The lineup:
3oh!3 <3
A Day To Remember <3
A Skylit Drive
Alana Grace
All Time Low <3
Anti-Flag <3
Bad Religion
Bayside <3
The Kids Table
Black Tide
Breathe Carolina
Dance Gavin Dance
Dear and the Headlights
Devil Wears Prada <3
Dirty Heads
Escape the Fate... Read More
Wish I was going this year! I LOVE Bayside!!! Saw them at Warped last year. I think its cool that Bad Religion still goes to these too. Have a great time & take lots of pics!
So as one may have already guessed, I finally updated my name! This is the name that I hope to use if I ever make it to SG status, so I figured I'd try it out
My life is pretty boring lately and I still don't have a charger for my camera (I hate waiting for packages to arrive...). Either way, this is an open... Read More
'ello folks! It would appear that my charger for my camera has conveniently chosen now (once my camera actually died) to go missing. This is very upsetting because I really wanted to share my new tattoo with everyone! Oh well, I'll just have to pillage my car in search of it... here's hoping its there! On a related note my dermals seem to finally be... Read More
Super quick update: sister's wedding tomorrow! gah, I'm off to the rehearsal. And here' a question: How does a five year old girl get suspended from kindergarten? Seriously, this was my niece's third time in two weeks... wtf...
I miss you all! After I'm done moving early next week I'll actually find time to reply to everyone and give an actual update! Happy weekend folks!
Im def much better! I have been super busy this week. I have these classes that I have to take all day for 2 weeks. Im going to see if I can get back in to school. Im not really sure what I want to do either! The whole thing about kids being "troubled" that young... That bothers me. I have a heart for kids. I hate to see any kid just thrown to the side and not helped etc. the three things I want to do... Early Childhood Education, Nursing, or Counseling. Cant do it all at once tho. LOL!
I survived! I got my grades back and I did really well so I'm happy and done for the semester
Next on the agenda? Anime Boston! I'm almost done with my costume and it should be a bunch of fun. Anyone else here going? I love meeting new people so give me a heads up and I'd love to chat with you there!
thank you so much for your lovely comment under my blog, dear girl
yes, the frogs were really interesting! i was afraid to left my camera into this ugly water, lol...
thanks for request honey!
i think that the meeting of your bf and your family will be ok. its really great when your family knows your bf, because then they are not so much afraid to let you go somewhere with him etc. its really better.
ooh the idea of your new tattoo is super cute! cant wait to see the pictures!
Thur would work for me! What time are you thinking? I am free in the morning until about 12 ish, and then in the evening after about 6 pm. Would you like to do the test at my apartment or your place?
You look Fabulous!! YAY for being in a good mood!
Its been FOREVER since I seen anyone play Twister! That looks like fun!!
Hope you get some living arrangements figured out soon!
I feel positively awful that I haven't updated in a while but finals are rushing up on me and the work load is getting ridiculous! I should be back in Amherst next semester though due to financial aid difficulties. The problem with this? I have nowhere to live! I need to get an apartment off campus but all of my friends already have roommates... oh... Read More
3 midterms down, one and a speech to go... Why did I go back to school again? But no, I'm sure I'll survive if I can just manage to step away from my ever so distracting laptop... oh wait! its doing it again! AHHHH!
Anyway. I'm on my way home for the weekend in a few hours. The best part?
A quick overview of what went down while I was MIA:
1. dropped out of college mid semester
2. attempted dating (unsuccessfully)
3. worked way too much at a shitty job
4. found out who my true friends were
5. got several new piercings
6.went BACK to school in January (a new school makes a world of difference)
7. moved... Read More
Ps. Love your glasses!!!